Employee Development

How to Use Intrinsic Motivation for Successful Language Learning

Anika Wegner
Published: 7th July 2023
Updated: 21st May 2024

As businesses around the world invest in multilingual teams, adopt new technologies, and lean into globalization, the need to innovate becomes essential. To position themselves in a competitive market, many companies are looking at embracing corporate language learning programs.

Corporate language training is a great goal for companies to embrace—it enables teams to improve internal and external communication processes and creates a more positive and inclusive team culture. However, it can be difficult to know how to implement them to ensure your team succeeds. Choosing a scientifically proven method like Babbel for Business is a great start, and finding creative ways to tap into your employees’ motivation is another key strategy—more specifically, their sense of intrinsic motivation.

What Is Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity or pursuing a goal for the inherent satisfaction, enjoyment, or personal interest it provides, rather than for external rewards or pressures. It is characterized by an individual’s internal drive, curiosity, or desire to explore, learn, or accomplish something for its own sake.

When a person is intrinsically motivated, they find fulfillment and pleasure in the process of doing an activity or achieving a goal. The motivation comes from within themselves, as they derive a sense of competence, autonomy, or personal growth from the task at hand. The activity itself is seen as inherently rewarding, stimulating, or meaningful, and the individual may be willing to invest time and effort without any external incentives.

Intrinsic motivation is often associated with activities that align with personal interests, values, or passions, such as:

  • Engaging in a hobby for the joy it brings
  • Pursuing a career because of genuine interest and enjoyment
  • Engaging in creative endeavors for the sake of self-expression

Intrinsic motivation can also play a role in language learning, where individuals are driven by a natural curiosity and the desire to acquire knowledge or skills.

A woman finds joy in learning a language at home, thanks to her intrinsic motivation.

Why Intrinsic Motivation Is Key for Self Learning

Promoting a culture of language learning isn’t as simple as encouraging punctuality in turning in reports. To be the most successful, companies must engage their employees’ sense of curiosity and adventure, setting them up to be lifelong learners. To accomplish that, it’s essential to encourage employees to self-study.

As one study from the Journal of Memory and Language reports, self-study gives the advantage of choosing which parts of a curriculum to focus on, and restudy can improve their performance. It plays a particularly important role in adult learning, though each person’s success is determined in large part by their specific habits, goal-setting, and motivation for the task at hand. While that intrinsic motivation has to come from each person on their own, companies can help develop a culture that draws out that motivation by rethinking how they approach HR and using strategies to foster intrinsic motivation in the workplace.

How to Increase Your Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation

Increasing employees’ intrinsic motivation is crucial for promoting their engagement, job satisfaction, and overall productivity. Here are some strategies to help foster intrinsic motivation in the workplace:

  1. Provide Autonomy: Give employees a sense of control over their work by allowing them to make decisions, set goals, and choose their approaches. Offer opportunities for them to be involved in decision-making processes and encourage their input and ideas.
  2. Encourage Skill Development: Support employees in developing their skills and expertise through training, workshops, or educational programs. Offer opportunities for growth and advancement, and provide constructive feedback to help them improve and build competence.
  3. Foster a Positive Work Environment: Create a supportive and positive workplace culture that values and appreciates employees. Encourage collaboration, open communication, and recognition of achievements. Celebrate successes and provide feedback that focuses on strengths and progress.
  4. Establish Meaningful Work: Help employees understand the significance of their work and how it contributes to the organization’s mission or larger goals. Connect their roles to the overall purpose and provide regular updates on the impact of their contributions.
  5. Set Clear and Challenging Goals: Define clear and specific goals that align with employees’ interests and skills. Ensure that goals are challenging but attainable, as this can provide a sense of purpose and motivation. Break down larger goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
  6. Encourage Learning and Growth: Create a culture that promotes continuous learning and personal development. Offer opportunities for employees to attend workshops, conferences, or seminars, and support them in acquiring new knowledge or skills relevant to their roles.
  7. Recognize and Reward Achievement: Acknowledge and reward employees for their accomplishments and efforts. Recognize their contributions publicly and provide meaningful rewards or incentives that align with their interests and preferences.
  8. Foster a Sense of Belonging: Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and a sense of community among employees. Create opportunities for social interactions, team-building activities, or cross-departmental projects to build relationships and foster a supportive work environment.
  9. Provide Feedback and Support: Offer regular feedback to employees, focusing on their strengths and areas for improvement. Provide constructive guidance and support to help them overcome challenges and grow in their roles.
  10. Encourage Creativity and Innovation: Foster an environment that welcomes and values creative thinking and new ideas. Encourage employees to contribute their unique perspectives and provide them with the necessary resources and freedom to explore innovative solutions.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can cultivate a work environment that nurtures employees’ intrinsic motivation, leading to higher levels of engagement, job satisfaction, and overall performance.

Self-Study with Babbel for Business

Because each company has different needs, Babbel offers a variety of products to customize the language learning experience. The most flexible and self-directed option is our self-study app, which has access to all of our content. This can be paired with our 1:1 or group video lessons to create a blended learning plan and make learning even more effective.

Companies get access to onboarding materials, business learning paths, and support for 14 different languages. On teams that already have a strong culture of employee self-empowerment and collaboration, self-study can be a great asset as users can effectively improve their language skills by practicing for only 10 to 15 minutes a day.

Companies looking at language learning need to choose a method that is effective, scientifically proven, and one they can trust. If you’re ready to start learning with Babbel for Business, visit our website to schedule a demo today.

Scientific Findings on Learning Success | Babbel for Business US

The Babbel Method is scientifically proven!

Discover in our report “Scientific Findings on Learning Success”, what a Yale University study discovered about learning with Babbel and why the Babbel Method quickly leads to success.

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Picture of Anika Wegner

Anika Wegner

SEO Content & Blog Manager — Exploring other cultures through language is particularly important to her. That's why she loves writing for Babbel about topics, how companies can benefit from language-learning solutions.

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