Babbel for Business blog

At Babbel, we work hard on finding the best learning strategies, motivational tips and most useful tools, which we are happy to share here.

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Business Development

The Benefits of Learning a New Language for Your Company

Eine Kundenservice-Mitarbeiterin unterhält sich lächelnd mit einem oder einer Kund:in am Telefon.
5 Phrases That Make Your Customer Service Team More Effective
Strong customer service is the very foundation of a successful business. That’s because the customer...
Smiling business people that are learning a language in a meeting room at work.
Teaching the Swedish Language at Babbel—With Babbel
Read about an experiment that took place at Babbel: Our Project Manager Elin Asklöv used blended learning...
8 Reasons for Digitalizing Personnel Development
Digital, fast and innovative: Modern personnel development requires new methods. We’ve put together...
Junge, lächelnde Geschäftsleute hören in einem Meeting zu.
How to Improve Your Team’s Intercultural Communication Skills
Intercultural understanding recognizes your commonalities and differences, a skill that is becoming more...
Group 6
How to Set Personal Development Goals for Work
It's important for employee development to set realistic goals. Find out, how you can help and motivate...
Business people are talking in a meeting.
What Is Inclusive Language and Why Does It Matter? How to Foster Inclusive Language at Work
What is the definition of inclusive language and why does it matter? Discover 5 strategies for fostering...
Lächelnder Vater und Sohn sehen sich etwas auf dem Laptop an.
The Best Strategies for Creating a Healthy Work-Life Balance for Employees
A healthy work-life balance is critical for employee well-being. But how can you help your employees...
Geschäftsfrau steht in einem grünen Büro und sieht aus dem Fenster, als Symbol für die Zukunft.
What Does the Office of the Future Look Like?
Discover the 5 key trends shaping the office of the future: 1. Sustainability, 2. Community & Connectedness,...
Lächelnde Mitarbeiterin arbeitet an ihrem Schreibtisch; als Symbol für zufriedene Mitarbeiter:innen.
The Positive Effects of Employee Satisfaction on Your Business
Employee satisfaction offers numerous positive effects for your business. Discover more about how happy...
Books on a desk
Why You Should Make Lifelong Learning a Priority in Your Company
What is lifelong learning and why is it important? Learn how to foster a lifelong learning culture in...
Happy employees are throwing confetti in the office, after winning a gamified challenge.
Here’s How to Introduce Gamification at Your Workplace
What are the benefits of gamification in the workplace? Learn how to use gamification for recruitment,...
Drei Mitarbeitende tragen einen blau-grünen Block als Symbol für eine Teal Organisation.
Is Your Company Ready for Teal?
What are the main principles of a Teal organization? Learn all about this revolutionary approach to management...
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