Employee Development

Why Language Learning Is the Key to Successful Team Development

Anika Wegner
Published: 12th July 2023
Updated: 20th May 2024

Though every year brings new opportunities to re-evaluate the old ways of doing things, the volatility and rapid social and technological changes of the past years have valuable lessons to teach us about the future. The rules of life and business are changing, and we need to change to keep up. You can help your team with that by using language learning as a team development activity.

Table of Contents

What Is Team Development?

Team development refers to the process of improving the effectiveness and cohesiveness of a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. It involves enhancing teamwork, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills within the team, ultimately leading to improved performance and productivity.

Team development typically includes activities such as team building exercises, training programs, leadership development, and fostering a positive team culture. The aim is to create a strong, supportive, and high-performing team that can overcome challenges and achieve success together.

What Are Some Common Team Development Activities?

Team development activities are designed to enhance group collaboration, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. They help teams build trust, develop strong relationships, and improve overall performance. Here are some examples:

  1. Icebreakers: These activities are used to break the ice, create a positive atmosphere, and help team members get to know each other better. They can include games, sharing personal stories, or engaging in team-building exercises.
  2. Trust-building activities: These activities are aimed at fostering trust and building strong relationships among team members. They can include trust falls, blindfolded activities, or team-building games that require trust and cooperation.
  3. Problem-solving activities: These activities focus on improving the team’s problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities. They can involve solving puzzles, riddles, or engaging in group problem-solving exercises.
  4. Communication exercises: These activities are focused on improving communication skills within the team. They can include activities like active listening exercises, role-playing scenarios, or practicing effective communication techniques.
  5. Team-building games: These games are designed to enhance teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration. They can include activities like building a tower with limited resources, organizing a scavenger hunt, or solving a mystery together.
  6. Leadership development activities: These activities aim to strengthen leadership skills within the team. They can include simulations, role-playing exercises, or leadership workshops.

It’s important to choose team development activities based on the specific needs and dynamics of the team. Activities should be engaging, interactive, and promote active participation from all team members.

2 smiling co-workers are giving each other a high five.

How to Use Language Learning for Team Development

Team leaders can use these four tips to integrate language learning as a team development activity:

1. Use SMART goals

One of the best ways to set goals your entire team can achieve is by setting SMART goals, meaning goals that are

  • Specific,
  • Measurable,
  • Achievable,
  • Realistic and
  • Time-bound.

This means rather than setting a goal that all employees will speak better Spanish by the end of the year, a goal could be to hold a full work meeting in Spanish at the end of a quarter by scheduling 10-15 minutes of Spanish practice time each day — the latter will be much more effective!

2. Use routines and environment to your advantage

While Babbel for Business’s products have been proven to effectively strengthen language skills in just 15 minutes a day, routine and regularity is what makes this approach work — and you can strengthen it by being specific about what you’re learning and anchoring it into your environment.

To take the goal above of having a work meeting in Spanish, team leaders can both schedule time every day to let employees learn and put notes on objects around the office labeling them in Spanish. With a little creativity, you can accelerate learning throughout the day with little additional effort!

3. Use competition and games to increase motivation

Choosing a program that lets users direct their own learning is critical to long-term success in language learning, but it can be helpful to offer additional incentives as well. As a study from the Universidad del Este in Puerto Rico showed, using games can be a good way to increase motivation and retention in second language learning.

In addition to the other strategies mentioned, companies can track how often employees spend time learning a second language and give small prizes or awards to employees who show the most engagement over time.

4. Reinforce your language learning with an innovative work culture

As explained by Gary P. Pisano in the Harvard Business Review, the most innovative cultures contain many contradictions. They are experimental, but highly disciplined; they create psychological safety, but also encourage brutally honest feedback — and effective language learning mirrors these contradictions almost perfectly!

To use the first example again, to run an end-of-quarter meeting in a second language, all employees will need to be technically competent enough in the language with relevant vocabulary by a certain time — but they will also need to feel psychologically safe and trusting enough to fully express themselves and experiment in this new language, even if it means making mistakes. Companies that can strike this balance will be perfectly poised for the future.

The Takeaway

Businesses that add a robust language learning program into their corporate culture can solve many organizational issues — all while expanding business opportunities, improving the bottom line, and increasing employee fulfillment for a more vibrant 2023. To learn more about implementing Babbel for Business into your talent development programs, visit our website and schedule a demo to get started.

Picture of Anika Wegner

Anika Wegner

SEO Content & Blog Manager — Exploring other cultures through language is particularly important to her. That's why she loves writing for Babbel about topics, how companies can benefit from language-learning solutions.

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