Employee Development

How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language?

Anika Wegner
Published: 9th June 2023
Updated: 14th May 2024
Two smiling people are learning a language together in their home.

Have you ever wondered how long it actually takes to learn a new language? Unfortunately, there is no short or definitive answer to this question as it depends on various factors! Keep on reading to find out what those factors are and how long it will approximately take you to achieve your desired language proficiency level.

Table of Contents

How fast can you learn a language?

Depending on prior knowledge, time invested, and target proficiency level, you can achieve your goal more or less quickly. Basic proficiency in a new language can be attained within a few months. If you already have a foundation and aim to reach an advanced level, it will take longer to internalize the intricacies of the language. Thus, transitioning from level A1 to A2 is easier than progressing from B2 to C1.

Generally speaking: The more time you dedicate to language learning, the faster you will reach your learning goal.

However, it is important to note that not all languages can be learned at the same pace! Native German speakers, for instance, will find it much easier to attain a high level of proficiency in Dutch or English (due to their existing knowledge and similar language structures) compared to Polish, Spanish, or Japanese, for example.

Smiling, happy people are chatting in a cafe.

What language level can be achieved after a certain amount of learning time?

As mentioned earlier, many factors come into play when learning a language, so the following time estimates should be taken as approximate guidelines. Depending on the learners and their individual circumstances, it may take varying amounts of time to successfully reach a proficiency level.

Explore our table below to see the estimated learning times required to reach each language level*:

German60-150 h150-262 h262-487 h487-600 h600-750 h750-1.050 h
English60-135 h135-150 h262-300 h375-450 h525-750 h750-900 h
Spanish60-75 h75-150 h150-300 h300-413 h413-675 h675-825 h
French60-135 h135-263 h263-368 h368-548 h548-788 h788-1.088 h
*Estimated average learning times in hours

Keep this background information in mind as you set your language learning goals. When you’re ready to start your language learning journey, visit We wish you big success in your language learning journey!

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Picture of Anika Wegner

Anika Wegner

SEO Content & Blog Manager — Exploring other cultures through language is particularly important to her. That's why she loves writing for Babbel about topics, how companies can benefit from language-learning solutions.

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